Monday, 28 December 2009

Happy New Year!

I wish you all health wealth and happiness for the year ahead.

Hot Metal!

Just before Christmas, I spent a day at a Steel works in Scunthorpe, photographing the various aspects of the process that use Parts and software provided by Rockwell Automation.
I'd been looking forward to it, a proper industrial scene, just as you might imagine, firey, dusty hot and loud!
I've included a few pics below, including one of me in my romper suit! kindly sent to me by Mark ritson of Inspec Solutions.

Following my recent success in being awarded "UK Commercial photographer of the year 2009", i have been filmed by Ventura Film Productions, for a Future TV program, "A day in the life of a professional photographer". Myself, with another 4 top photographers, will be featured in the Program to be aired next year, not sure exactly when and where as yet, but will keep you all posted.

The film crew spent the day with me last week, and we went off to one of my local clients based in Rugby, Quartzelec, Many thanks goes to Jody Townsend for arranging the shoot and appearing on camera. They wanted to film me at work, and i chose a 'typical' day at a 'welding firm', great sparks, lighting etc...but very noisy!

On return to the studio, I set up a typical studio shoot, using some boring looking nuts and bolts - thought it would be interesting to freeze them in ice and light effectively with coloured gels - they seemed to like it anyway!

As the day went on, Jo was introduced into the filming, not at all impressed by that i hasten to add, and we finished off with an interview - about my career - flipping hec, i went on, sorry for rambling, just very nervous, and pleased to say, i enjoyed the whole experience very much. This could be the start of my new TV career!

Following the filming day, i have been stacked out with different jobs, keeping me very busy, and Jo just about holding it all together. The studio has seen all sorts of sittings including a 'local' Calendar shoot, with very scantily clad men!

We Welcome Two New Clients...

We recently carried out work for Alan Paine, the leading outdoor clothing company, very tricky shots in the studio, showing the clothes as if being worn but without the models body in the shot! lots of photoshop trickery at work here!

We also recently carried out work for McCarthey Stone , photographing new developments for their website, so thanks to Emma and everyone at McCarthey Stone for their continued business, l'm looking forward to the spring!

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